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Оператор: 8(903)201-21-74 ООО "ЧетыреДатчика" |
![]() ![]() Оператор: 8(903)201-21-74 ООО "ЧетыреДатчика" |
Главная страница Security center software 1 2 3 4 Event source via GSM It is designed to receive events via SMS and CSD channels of GSM from the following equipment: o panic button PT-300 manufactured by GemTek company - via SMS channel o panic button the Button manufactured by C-Nord company - via CSD channel o It is necessary to note that to use source of events via GSM you should connect to the computer SonyEricsson GT-47, Siemens MC35 GSM modem or a modem compatible with them with respect to command system. Event source from Sur-Gard It is designed to receive events through serial port from receiving equipment of Sur-Gard central stations manufactured by DSC company up to System III including. As data transmission format used by Sur-Gard central stations is actually a standard, this event source can be used to receive events from equipment and software from wide variety of manufacturers: Ritm , Proxima , Jablotron and others. Event source from RC4000 It is designed to receive events through serial port from RC4000 central surveillance unit manufactured by Visonic company. If you are using RC4000 unit together with CSM32 software and want to change over to the Security Center software, you should know that there is possibility to perform automatic data import from CSM32 software. More detailed information about this function can be found in the Database Wizard module using which data import is performed. Multiprotocol event source It is designed to receive events through serial port from SilentKnight 9500 central surveillance unit (manufactured by Honeywell company) and RCI4000/RCI5000/DTRCI5000 units (manufactured by KP Electronics company). Additionally this event source supports data receiving in some other commonly used protocols, e.g. in Ademco 685 protocol. Settings of event sources If event source is designed to receive data via serial port you should choose the port to which a central station equipment is connected and specify its parameters (speed, parity, number of data bits, etc). If event source is designed to receive data via network supporting TCP/IP protocol then it will be necessary to specify network interface and port at which the source will wait for reception of incoming connections as source parameters. The Internal Number of event source is needed for its identification both by the Security Center and by user. First, number of event source is used to determine from which source a particular event has been received. Secondly, in case when an event source informs a user about anything the event created by it for this purpose will have the same object number as internal number of component. We strongly recommend to create in the Security Center the objects with numbers that match to the internal numbers of event sources being used. This will permit to control origin of errors occurring during event sources operation and also to obtain service information about operation of sources. The Event Source control time permits to automatically track the fact of events reception by source and inform an operator about the problems risen during reception. In case when by any reason the event source has received no events within the interval specified by this parameter the system event with ZZXH code and object number corresponding to the internal number of event source is created. Using the Shift of object numbers positive integer summand can be set which will be added to object number for each event received by event source. The Shift of object numbers is recommended to use in case when several central surveillance units (including different units) is to be connected to one instance of the Security Center . By specifying different shifts of object numbers for different event sources you can avoid the problem with overlapping the same numbers of different objects working for different units. For example, two Lonta-202 units are connected to the Security Center . The ranges of object numbers which can be connected to units are the same - 1 to 600. But if you set the shift of object numbers for one event source equal to 1000 and for the other - 2000, then within the Security Center we will work with 1001-1600 objects for one unit and with 2001-2600 objects for the other. The Shift of channel numbers is the parameter that sets positive integer summand which will be automatically added to receive channel number. If zero value of channel number shift is set then for events received by event source the channel number will be used which is transmitted by receiving equipment of a central station or the first channel number if the equipment does not transmit channel number. By setting different shifts of channel numbers for different event sources you can recognize event sources (and units connected to them) for received events. The Shift of channel number is of special interest when several identical event sources are used because types and numbers of communication channels used by these sources will surely coincide. The Type of receiving channel and the Number of receiving channel permits to clearly specify the parameters corresponding them by value in case when they cant be uniquely identified. For example, The Event source via TCP/IP can receive events both from TP-100GSM transmitters via GPRS channel and from Cepheus extenders via Ethernet channel. Event source cannot identify communication channel which is used during transmission. Therefore when setting an event source it is necessary to specify clearly the type of communication channel which is used during transmission (GPRS if the source is intended to receive events from TP-100GSM or Ethernet if the source is receiving data from Cepheus . Additionally, if several such event sources are used then to differ which source has received the event it is necessary to specify different numbers of receiving channels for them. The Reinititilazation Interval parameter permits to force reinitialization of equipment (e.g. GSM modem) connected to event source. Using the Exchange Registration function the data exchange protocol between event source and receiving equipment of central station or control panel can be saved on hard disk. This information can be necessary during causation of exchange problems. We do not recommend to switch on the exchange registration independently without request from technical support service of Research-and-engineering and profit corporation C-Nord company. Event handlers After the Event Manager has received event from the central surveillance unit or control panel it performs its decoding and description according to event template preset for the object from which the event has been received. The event received as a result event decoding can be automatically processed in the Event Manager module using special module components which are called event handlers. In the set with the Security Center , version 3.3, software the following event handlers are delivered: Event Control This handler performs a control of a periodic reception of an event of the specified class and generation of a system event in case of its absence. The handler can be used to fulfill the following tasks: o Guard Control . The task of guard control often consists in a simple control of periodic receiving the specified event. In this process notwithstanding that the sequence of event reception is not checked it is possible to carry out security guards control even on a complicate route via selection of event reception intervals. o Control of Automatic Tests . Contrary to an object control time implying arrival of any event via any communication channel, a periodic arrival of a specific event can be controlled and also a communication channel via which this event should be received can be specified. Control of Events Chain This handler is intended to monitor time sequence (chain) of received events and generation of system messages in case of its violation. The handler is designed to fulfill such tasks as: o Control of Paired Events . For instance, the control of 220V restore or other faults at site. Using the Events Chain Control handler short-term faults can be distinguished from fatal ones, for instance, the objects can be identified where electric power is missing too long. o Guard Control . Use of this handler permits to control a guards movement along a route with regard to correct sequence of walk. Entering through Alarm The Entering through Alarm handler permits to suspend alarm event processing by the Event Manager module and wait for removal from guard which can be received immediately after an alarm. Purpose of this event handler is to release a duty operator from necessity to respond to obviously false alarms which happen while removing objects from guard. This handler should be applied to such objects where guarding tactics excluding entrance delay is used. Use of this handler is also justified for all objects where personnel error while taking off from guarding is possible. SMS Transmitter This handler permits to arrange transmission of information about received messages to a mobile phone as SMS messages. To send SMS messages the handler can use GSM modem which should be connected to a computer or direct connection to SMS server of cellular operator via TCP/IP network. Using SMS Extender handler optional service can be rendered to guarding enterprise clients, e.g. informing responsible persons about events of object putting under and taking off from guarding. Additionally, using this handler alarms can be transmitted directly to guards mobile phone in parallel to a duty operator work. Use of this handle can also significantly simplify commissioning of equipment on connected objects. If you allocate a personal object number to an engineer which number should be used during testing equipment on the object, and switch on SMS-forwarding for events received from this object to the engineers mobile phone then the engineer will be able to set up equipment without assistance of units duty operators. Pandora Net The main task of the Pandora net handler is to arrange information exchange between independent instances of the Security Center software. Events, operator actions and object descriptions can be transmitted from one Security Center to another. Any channel supporting TCP/IP protocol can be used as data communications channel. There is possibility to describe in details the amount of information which will be transmitted. You can specify numbers and number intervals of objects from which events will be transmitted, specify event classes to be transmitted, select operator actions to be transmitted. Mutual data transmission (cross-transmission) is possible. Primarily the event handler is used for creating distributed monitoring systems when several central surveillance units are integrated and it is necessary to collect operative information in the certain control center. Object Manager Object Manager module is designed to manage description of objects available in the Security Center software. Object In the Object tab you can specify basic descriptive information about an object: number, name, address, phone numbers, etc. Parts Parts tab allows you save information about sections (areas) into which an object is divided and what equipment is used to arrange sections of an object. The list of equipment installed in the section can be modified in the System Setup module - in the Fields of Objects tab, *Object part equipment field. It should be noted that the description of sections at objects mechanism allows you to fulfill the following tasks : parts identified by their serial numbers. This is actual for panels which support function of loops integrating into independent sections and for which the Contact ID protocol is native . areas identified by object numbers. This option is necessary for panels which do not use the Contact ID protocol to transmit information to monitoring center but support loops integration into independent areas each one of which has its own number of object. objects which use different numbers when working over different communication channels. Such situation is possible in case when additional communicators (e.g. radio transmitters) are installed at already equipped objects but numbers of objects at which they are installed are already used in radio channel. In this case you can program a panel in such a way that different object numbers would be used by phone and by radio by means of having these numbers been described as object sections. Zones In the Zones tab you can give detailed description of object security lines including information about equipment being used and membership of loops in the object sections. The list of equipment installed in a loop can be modified in the System Setting module - in the Fields of Objects tab, *Object zone equipment field. Information about zones is very important part of object description as it is used when generating descriptions of events received form an object. Thus, if event about alarm in the loop number one is received from an object then the description of loop number one from an object card is inserted in the event description which would be created for handling by the Security Center operator. Persons in charge The Persons in charge is designed for entering information about persons in charge of an object: names, addresses, phone numbers. We recommend you to include in the persons in charge list the users who possess personal code of object putting under and taking off from guarding, and additionally, user code number programmed in the panel should correspond to a responsible person number. In this case (as with loops) the information about user who has executed putting under or taking off from guarding will be included in the description of an event handled by the Security Center operator. Security In the Security you can modify parameters connected with rules and mode of object security Place under long-term arm. The field is designed to switch on long-term security mode of object and to specify operating time of this mode. The long-term security mode is intended to control situations when object for some reasons is to be (or should be) under guard for a long time. Control of long-term security of object is implemented as follows: at start time of long-term security the fact of putting object under guard is checked. if the object is not under guard system event with ZZXC code is created. In case when the object continues to be not under guard the system event with ZZXC code is repeated at intervals specified in the Event Manager settings. If during the interval specified as long-term security time the object is removed from guard the system event with ZZXE code is created, after which long-term security cycle accordingly begins again with generation of system event with ZZXC code and with waiting for object arming. Turn off Object. The field is intended to turn off an object starting from some time. If the object is turned off the events which have been received from it are processed as follows: First, when these events are received the Duty Operator turns off accompanying sound. I.e., all events continue to be displayed, events with class types of Arming and Disarming continue to change object status but there is no sound when events from this object are received. Secondly, when events with the Alarm class type are received the system (specifically - Event Manager) creates cancellation for them. In other words, if an object is turned off, and an alarm comes from it then in addition to lack of alarm sound this alarm is also automatically cancelled. Automatically Turn on Object. In case when an object is turned off this property permits to turn it on automatically at specified time. Control time The Control Time tab is designed to manage one of the most important object performance control parameters. Object control time identifies time interval during which any event should be received from the object. Any event means that an event may be received over any of communication channels (e.g. radio, phone), and may be system event. In case when no event is received during interval system event with ZZXA code is created. Object control time setting can be made so that all communication channels used by object will be tracked separately. Security schedule In the Security Schedule tab you can specify for each day of week time periods when an object has to be under guard and also turn on control of this rule by the Security Center . Template of events Template of Events is intended for modification of events codes template which is used in the description of events received form an object, for turning off alarm events and for modification of properties for an specific event code for a given object. It should be noted that quality of event templates provided with new versions of the Security Center is constantly improved therefore we recommend to use the latest versions of event templates in the describing objects. In order to replace outdated event template with its latest version you can use event template replacement function implemented in the System Setting module. In the Template of Events tab you can modify a description of any event. However you should understand that performed modifications will concern the given object only and will not be represented in basic template of event codes or any other object. Due to the fact that it is highly difficult to track modifications of event template for an object we recommend not to practice them without critical necessity. By its significance turning off alarm event is very similar to turning off an object with only difference that it relates to one event code only. When turned off event is received there is no event accompanying sound in the Duty Operator module, and the Event Manager creates automatic cancellation for given alarm. It is necessary to emphasize that in contrast to alarm cancellation for turned off an object, alarm cancellation for turned off event will cancel only this event; object guarding continues in the full scope excluding an event code that has been turned off. It is possible to turn off an event for limited time interval only which is specified when turning off is executed. On the expiry of this interval the event will be automatically turned on. Turned off event can be turned on at any moment manually. All operations for event turning off/on are accompanied by creation of system events. So, when event is turned off system event with ZZXM code is created, when event is automatically turned on the system event with ZZXN code is created, and when event is turned on by an operator (manual turn on) system event with ZZXO code is created. System events generation permits to track clearly the operations for turning off events. Additional characteristics In the Additional Characteristics tab you can specify values of additional characteristics of objects (user fields). Field list management is implemented in the System Setting . module. In case when value for some additional object characteristic is not defined its value can be left empty. When additional characteristics are displayed in the object card only those with specified values are present in the list of characteristics. Altonika The tab Altonika is intended to adjust the parameters of object which are specific for Altonika equipment. Equipment type For correct operation of algorithms of Security Center signal processing it is necessary to specify the correct system type of the equipment used on object: Lonta-202 or RS-200 . In case the object has an equipment of other system, it is necessary to specify type Another . Signal levels For object on which system Lonta-202 equipment is used it is possible to change value for trigger levels of the signal accepted from object. If the signal level, accepted from object, becomes less than value set in the field Warning level the system event with code ZZXV will be created. If the signal level, accepted from object, is less than value set in the field Alarm level the system event with code ZZXU will be created. By means of system events with codes ZZXV and ZZXU it is possible to control automatically level of signal, accepted from objects, drawing of attention of the operator only to those objects where his interference is required. It is necessary to mark that in the module Duty operator function of review of accepted signal level is accessible for objects on which system Lonta-202 equipment is installed. At an object card there is a bookmark which allows to display signal level in the form of the diagram or in the form of the table of values. The transmitter In the situation when some object devices are connected to one radio transmitter of system Lonta-202 , for identification of such devices it is necessary to specify object transmitter number in the field Object number , and number of category which corresponds to the device in the field Category number . The values specified in fields Object number and Category number have priority in relation to standard numbers of Security Center objects: at reception of events first the values entered on a bookmark of Altonika are viewed and only then - values of objects numbers. System Setup The System Setting module is intended for modification of the Security Center service reference guides properties, for instance, event templates or object types. Event classes In the Security Center software, the events being created are divided into the several types: Alarm Warning Arming Disarming Defect Reconstitution Elimination Test Others Reset The type of event determines method of its handling. Thus events of the Alarm type require compulsory actions by an operator called response to alarm. Additionally, the alarms response to which is not started or not finished change current status of objects. When responding to events of the Arming or the Disarming type, object status also changes. The list of event types is predefined and cant be changed by user. To combine events in groups and manage them classes of events are intended. The class of event determines its type. In this case you can create several classes of the Alarm type and define for each class individual lists of alarm responses and their cancellations. In the Event classes tab you can edit the list of event classes being used. The event class determines appearance of event in the list of received events of the Duty Operator module. Color, style of type, background color - all these event class properties can be changed in the System Setup module. In addition to attributes responsible for events display it is possible to specify sound file which will be played when an event will be received. For the event classes having the Alarm type lists of actions and cancellations are available which can be recorded by an operator when executing alarm response. It is important that you can determine not only the list of actions but also their sequence. If the Security Center is operated long enough there is possibility that the list of event classes is contaminated. For example, there are duplicated classes in it or it contains information about classes which already are not used. Nevertheless, the Security Center prevents their deleting because there are events for which these classes are used in the descriptions. To solve this problem it is possible to replace duplicates or not used event classes with their actual analogs. Templates of events The same event occurred on object can be transmitted to the Security Center in different ways. Event format in which information about event will be received depends on type of transmitting equipment and communication channel. The list of events which can be received after decoding events from objects is called the Template of Events . Template of Events is inherent characteristics of object. You can specify template of events which should be used for an object in the Object Manager module. In the Templates of Events tab you can modify the list of templates used by the Security Center . Additionally, you can modify the description of events contained in a template. When describing events it is recommended to use %user% and %zone% macros. If during the event decoding a macro is found in its description then in the description the value is inserted which corresponds to loop a name (%zone% macro) or a responsible person name (%user% macro). In this case loop or user number will be taken from the very event. Information about loops and responsible persons on the object is very important. This information for an object can be entered in the Object Manager module. The interesting feature of an event description in template consists in possibility to determine an event up to a channel over which it has been received. Hence, the same event code received, for example, by phone or over GPRS can be described in different ways. It should be noted that the quality of event templates provided with the new versions of the Security Center is constantly improved therefore we recommend to use the latest versions of event templates in the describing objects. In order to specify another, more actual template for objects instead of outdated one you can implement event template replacement function. Actions The Actions tab is intended for modification of list of actions which an operator can record during the executing alarm response. The following types of actions are defined in the Security Center software: Send guard When recording action of this type an operator will need to specify response guard which has been sent to an object. If a guard has been sent to an object then an object alarm can be cancelled only after the guard arrival to an object or its call cancellation is recorded. Guard arrival The action of the Guard arrival type is available for recording only after the send guard to an object has been recorded. When the recording action of the Guard arrival type an operator will have to select a guard which arrival he is recording. Guard cancellation Guard cancellation recording is available only after its send to an object has been recorded. When recording guard cancellation an operator should select a guard which call cancellation he executes. Operator comment Action of this type allows an operator to enter a user-defined text connected with process of alarm response. Actions of this type can be recorded in any step of alarm response. 1 2 3 4 |